A little gem, Berlin

No. of bedrooms: 1 bedroom

Location: A little gem, Berlin, Germany


Surface Area: 53.0m2

Furnishings: Furnished

English: An authentic Berlin space that brings together vintage style and modern technology. The Kiez outside (the neighborhood) is lively and colorful. Just outside the door you will find a both vibrant and gritty scene. History - old and new holds surprises for us around the street corners. You can also find super clubs, tasty restaurants, the famous Görlitzer park at sunset and emerald green canals to wander. The apartment is called Neu Winfried, and you will find it a cool and peaceful haven. The peace is found with soundproof windows, The Frame smart tv, fast internet connection and curated spaces that capture the heart and bring peace to the mind. The cool is guaranteed by the heat reflective window blinds in each room, strong cross apartment ventilation, real vintage furniture and a quality portable fan. During renovations several walls were stripped to reveal the patterns from the century before. For your health the repainting was done with waterbased low allergenic paints. German: Ein authentischer Berliner Raum mit einem Finger am Puls des Kiez. Direkt vor der Tür finden Sie eine lebendige Szene, Geschichte - alte und neue, Superclubs, leckere Restaurants, den berüchtigten Gorlitzer Park bei Sonnenuntergang und smaragdgrüne Kanäle zum Wandern. In der Wohnung finden Sie einen kühlen und friedlichen Kurzurlaub. Ein Retro-Chic-Raum, der sich um Ihre Gesundheit kümmert, mit hypoallergenen Farben, erhabenem Design und Zimmerpflanzen (wenn Sie möchten).

Price: 1550 Euros per month